Patterns in invertebrate drift from an Alpine karst aquifer over a one year period


  • Maja Opalički Slabe University of Nova Gorica National Institute of Biology



Patterns in invertebrate drift in the alpine karst Lipnik spring (Julian Alps, Slovenia) were investigated over a one year period. Monthly samplings of one permanent and two temporary springs, and one sampling of a spring brook benthos, yielded 23 Copepoda and Ostracoda species. More species (12) were found in the permanent than in the temporary springs (8 and 7), Elaphoidella phreatica (Sars, 1862) being the most frequent in all of them. No correlation was observed between precipitation and drift densities or the numbers of species in the permanent spring. In the temporary springs there were correlations between precipitation and the Shannon diversity index, equitability and changes in community composition. Conductivity of the water was the only physical parameter in the springs that correlated with precipitation. Species accumulation curves reached the asymptotes in all the springs but not for benthos.


Dinamika plavljenja vodnih nevretenčarjev iz alpskega kraškega vodonosnika v obdobju enega leta
V alpskem kraškem izviru Lipnik (Julijske Alpe, Slovenija) smo preiskovali dinamiko plavja vodnih nevretenčarjev v obdobju enega leta. V mesečnih vzorčenjih enega stalnega in dveh občasnih izvirov ter enkratnim vzorčenjem bentosa potoka Lipnik smo zbrali 23 vrst ceponožcev in dvoklopnikov. Rezultati raziskave so razkrili, da je bilo več vrst zbranih iz stalnega (12) kot iz občasnih izvirov (8 in 7). V vseh je številčno prevladovala vrsta Elaphoidella phreatica (Sars, 1862). V nobenem izviru ni bilo povezave med padavinami in gostoto plavja ter številom vrst. Povezava pa se je pojavila v občasnih izvirih med padavinami in Shannonovim indeksom in ravnovesjem ter spremembo v sestavi združbe. Edina fizikalna lastnost vode v izvirih, ki je bila v povezavi s padavinami, je bila prevodnost. Krivulje vrstne akumulacije so dosegle asimptoto pri vseh izvirih, v bentosu potoka pa ne.


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Kako citirati

Opalički Slabe, M. (2015). Patterns in invertebrate drift from an Alpine karst aquifer over a one year period. Acta Carsologica, 44(2).



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