Anisotropic spaces in Romania: a case study of the Timiş-Cerna Corridor
geography, anisotropic spaces, human flows, material flows, the Timiş-Cerna corridor, RomaniaAbstract
This paper presents a critical discussion of Romania’s south-west, analyzing the proposal that the Timiş-Cerna Corridor should be systemically considered anisotropic. The aim of our paper is to test the possible anisotropic matrix system by using a methods approach based on interpreting human and material mobilities in the area. We use the theoretical framework of regional geography in a systemic context and specifically the concept of anisotropy defined as a territorial anomaly in homogenous and polarized regions, in order to reveal the social and physical relations in which anisotropy is embedded. Our results show that the Timiş-Cerna Corridor is an anisotropic area fitting the structural system of this specific type of space as the dynamics of flows inside the axis are asymmetrical, generating disparities, while transit flows are predominant.
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