Geographical imagination of landscapes: analysis of the book of photographs Slovenian landscapes
geography, surface, landscapes, landscape imagination, photographs, statistics, SloveniaAbstract
The article focuses on the geographical imagination of landscapes, depicted in the photographs. The research stems from the assumption that photographs play an important role in shaping and preserving individual and collective imagination of a landscape and that geography as a science is closely connected to visual representations of the world. The empirical part of the research entails selecting and defining/coding the photographs from the book Slovenian Landscapes by Dušan Ogrin and their analysis through statistical methods. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate what kind of image of the landscape this book creates. The goal is to design/formulate a methodology for photograph interpretation, especially to select the indicators and their categories as well as the criteria for a quantitative photograph evaluation. Using these methods, the appearance of the landscapes is analysed according to the individual indicators, placing special emphasis on surface form as the most important landscape element.Downloads
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