Measuring urban quality of life: case study of Ljubljana


  • Jernej Tiran Anton Melik geographical institute Research centre of the Slovenian academy of sciences and arts Novi trg 2, Si - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



geography, quality of life, urban quality of life, residential quality, multivariate statistics, city, Ljubljana


Quality of urban life is a useful concept for studying the quality of residential environment and its effect on quality of life. The article is based on the data analysis of the survey research Quality of Life in Ljubljana (2010). Using structural equation modelling and hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis, the effect of residential quality on quality of life was determined and compared to the effects of selected domains of life. The results depend heavily on the operationalization of quality of life and on the selected independent variables in the model. Structural equation modelling confirmed the hypothesis about the effect of residential quality on quality of life, wherein satisfaction with the dwelling has a significantly greater effect on it than satisfaction with the neighbourhood and with living in the city. The hierarchical regression analysis results show that the quality of life for Ljubljana residents is most affected by their own estimation of social-economic factors, especially economic well-being, family life, and social life.



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How to Cite

Tiran, J. 2016: Measuring urban quality of life: case study of Ljubljana. Acta geographica Slovenica 56-1.