The Kolpa as a border river in the newspaper Slovenski narod, 1868–1914




environmental history, border, border river, newspaper Slovenski narod, nineteenth century, Kolpa, Slovenia, Croatia


The article analyzes the portrayal of the Kolpa as a border river in the leading Slovenian liberal newspaper Slovenski narod from 1868 to 1918. A border river is understood both in terms of the political concept of a border river and in terms of a natural border in a landscape. The differences between these two concepts can occur over long historical periods and can change significantly (e.g. due to floods, changes in the riverbed and the loss or acquisition of the status of a border river). In the period examined, the Kolpa formed an internal border between the Hungarian and Austrian parts of the Habsburg Monarchy. In addition, since the Late Middle Ages it has been a political border between Carniola and Croatia. The article analyzes the following aspects: a) the Kolpa as a border and a political concept, b) the management of the Kolpa (construction and maintenance of bridges, traffic bans, and restrictions), c) the Kolpa as a dangerous river, and d) border disputes.


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How to Cite

Zajc, M. 2022: The Kolpa as a border river in the newspaper Slovenski narod, 1868–1914. Acta geographica Slovenica 62-1.


