Forest Patch Connectivity: The Case of the Kranj–Sora Basin, Slovenia




forestry, geography, forest habitat patches, patch connectivity, graph theory, Kranj–Sora Basin, Slovenia


This article features a spatial analysis of forest patches, trees, and shrubs outside forests in part of the Kranj–Sora Basin in central Slovenia. Forest patch connectivity is explored using methods derived from graph theory. The graph nodes represent the forest patches and the edges between them represent the shortest connections calculated using a raster layer containing data on the resistance of individual land-use types. The contribution of an individual forest patch to habitat connectivity and availability is calculated using selected indicators. The findings show that the largest forest patches complemented by smaller patches constitute the basic connectivity tool. Thus, habitat size and close-to-nature structure are vital for the conservation of species over short distances. In conclusion, guidelines are presented for managing and mitigating the effects of further clearing the remaining natural vegetation.



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How to Cite

Polenšek, M., Pirnat, J. 2018: Forest Patch Connectivity: The Case of the Kranj–Sora Basin, Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 58-1.