Six Decades of Human Geography and Environmental Protection in Acta geographica Slovenica
Acta geographica Slovenica, human geography, social geography, cultural geography, landscape ecology, environmental protectionAbstract
This article presents the position of human geography, landscape ecology, and environmental protection and how these areas have developed over the sixty years that the journal Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik has been published. The goal is to present the development and changes in content orientation, changes in research approaches, and changes in article authorship. The overview shows the development of these research disciplines in Slovenia and the research orientations of researchers at the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute. During the time that the journal has been published, there has been a perceptible shift from defining and analyzing geographical features to a problem-oriented approach, and towards seeking cause-and-effect connections and responses to current social events. In this process, previously dominant individual contributions have been complemented by articles that were the fruits of joint labor and, alongside various Slovenian contributions, the number and thematic diversity of articles by international contributors has increased. Physical and regional geography will be presented in separate articles.Downloads
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