Transnational needs of sustainable spatial development in the Alps: results from an analysis of policy documents
geography, spatial development, spatial planning, document analysis, transnational needs, obstacles, added value, stakeholders, AlpsAbstract
Spatial planning documents referring to the Alps address the needs of transnational spatial development. This article presents selected results from an analysis of thirty-two spatial planning strategies, plans, and reports carried out within the European Transnational Cooperation and Alpine Space Programme’s WIKIAlps project (2007–2013). The results include a quantitative analysis of the dimension of transnational needs, added value, and obstacles as perceived in these framework documents on spatial development. The documents were also analyzed with regard to references to stakeholder groups relevant for addressing these transnational needs. The analysis emphasizes that more transnational coordination is desirable in many policy fields, from strategy development and governance processes, to more coordinated management of natural resources, to building an appropriate knowledge base for transnational decision-making.
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