The Triglav Glacier between the years 1999 and 2012
Triglav glacier, glacier measurements, climate change, Julian Alps, SloveniaAbstract
The Triglav glacier is situated in the Julian Alps in the northwest of Slovenia. Presented are the results of investigations and measurements of the Triglav glacier done between the years 1999 and 2012. It was for the first time during this period that its depth was measured by means of georadar. Its area was measured on a yearly basis by means of various land surveying methods which are stated in detail. We explained the dynamics of the glacier’s shrinking on the grounds of weather conditions of each respective year. Due to the glacier’s concave form, snow in the past few years remained all until the late summer, particularly in the central and lower sections of the glacier. If such weather conditions continue, and the amount of winter precipitation further increases, the remainder of the Triglav glacier, though small in size, will continue to exist for a few years.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2013 Matej Gabrovec, Jaka Ortar, Miha Pavšek, Matija Zorn, Mihaela Triglav Čekada

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