Stories about real and imagined landscapes: the case of Slovenian Istria


  • Mimi Urbanc



Slovenian Istria, cultural landscape, landscape comprehension, social notions about landscapes, landscape dynamics, ATLAS.ti software, grounded theory


This paper presents the cultural landscape as an abstract concept and the result of a complex relationship between the natural environment and human society, and at the same time as a result of comprehension and personal views. A landscape is a story about the people that created it. The theoretical part establishes parallels between a landscape and the stories that this landscape has generated as well as their connection with geographical knowledge. This is followed by stories about real and imagined landscapes from Slovenian Istria, as ascertained through an analysis of extensive material using the ATLAS.ti software and taking into account the principles of grounded theory. This approaches a holistic view of the landscape, or understanding the landscape as a system of material and non-material elements and processes that direct them.



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How to Cite

Urbanc, M. 2008: Stories about real and imagined landscapes: the case of Slovenian Istria. Acta geographica Slovenica 48-2.


