Slovenian coast sea floods risk


  • Nataša Kolega



sea, sea floods, flooded regions, hazard, coast, Slovenia


Article gives a review of sea floods on Slovenian coast with emphasis on their formation, extent and consequences. Sea floods are occurring every year, but they vary in frequency and extent. Consequently, the damage caused by floods also varies. Sea floods rise with flood tides, strong south winds and drops in air pressure. They are more frequent in autumn and winter, but they occur in spring too. The article presents a complete review of sea floods from the beginning of measurements in Koper to present-day, an analysis of flooded regions and influence of climate changes on sea floods.


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How to Cite

Kolega, N. (2006). Slovenian coast sea floods risk. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 46(2), 143–167.


