Determining the lengths of miles and numerical map scales for Volume VII of the graphic collection Iconotheca Valvasoriana




Iconotheca Valvasoriana, graphic scale, length of miles, numerical scale, Valvasor, Metropolitan Library of the Archdiocese of Zagreb


This article presents the procedure for determining numerical scales based on the graphic scales drawn to process the graphic material in Volume VII of the Valvasor collection. To calculate the numerical scales, the miles drawn on the maps and their lengths in relation to one degree of the meridian were studied. A total of 22 different miles were drawn on the maps studied, of which the German mile was the most common. After calculating the numerical scales, it was found that the largest scale of the maps examined was 1:220,000 and the smallest was 1:11,200,000.


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How to Cite

Viličić, M., Domazet, E., Triplat Horvat, M. 2024: Determining the lengths of miles and numerical map scales for Volume VII of the graphic collection Iconotheca Valvasoriana. Acta geographica Slovenica 64-1.


