Extent and spatial distribution of karst in Slovenia





geomorphology, karst, GIS technology, lithology, classification of karst


This study investigates the spatial distribution of karst in Slovenia using advanced GIS technologies and accurate lithology, hydrology, and digital relief data. Previous approaches led to an incomplete understanding of karst distribution, as they focused on carbonate lithologies and surface features. Our integrated two-step identification method, involving GIS layer overlays and manual review of lithology data, resulted in a comprehensive digital spatial database. We found that karst covers 49.7% of Slovenia's total area, with a diverse range of associated lithologies. This research has important implications for managing and protecting karst aquifers, forest planning, agricultural subsidies, and glacial geomorphology studies, and enables further processing and enhancement by the karst research community.


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How to Cite

Gostinčar, P., & Stepišnik, U. (2023). Extent and spatial distribution of karst in Slovenia. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 63(1), 111–129. https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS.11679


