The “Almdudler Trachtenpärchenball” Part of Typical Austrian Folk Culture


  • Irene Egger Volksliedwerk (Austrian Folk Song Society), Operngasse 6, A-1010 Wien, Austria



traditional costume, ball, folk culture // tradicionalna noša, ples, ljudska kultura


Almdudler is an Austrian brand of lemonade. In 2007, Almdudler celebrated its 50th anniversary by organizing the “Almdudler Trachtenpärchenball”, at which all participants had to wear traditional costumes. Since then, other similar events in urban nightlife enthuse many Austrians, young people in particular. An analysis of the ball shows that today’s Austrians strive to choose different styles in order to create a lively folk culture in contemporary society.


Almdudler je avstrijska limonada. Leta 2007 je družba praznovala petdesetletnico in ob tem organizirala Almdudlerjev ples parov v tradicionalnih nošah (Almdudler Trachtenpärchenball). Odtlej ta ples in podobni dogodki v urbanem nočnem življenju navdušujejo predvsem mlade. Analiza plesa kaže, da ljudje danes v svojem okolju svojo živo ljudsko kulturo ustvarjajo z izborom različnih stilov.


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How to Cite

Egger, I. (2011). The “Almdudler Trachtenpärchenball” Part of Typical Austrian Folk Culture. Traditiones, 40(3), 87–98.



Real and Virtual Spaces of Folklore Studies / Realni in virtualni prostori folkloristike