The Impacts of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Unesco Policies in France


  • Laurent Sébastien Fournier UFR STAPS et EA 3260 CENS, Université de Nantes 25 bis, Bd. Guy Mollet, BP 72206, 44322 Nantes cedex 3, France



UNESCO, intangible cultural heritage, economy, tourism, France // UNESCO, nesnovna kulturna diediščina, ekonomija, turizem, Francija


The article focuses on the “Processional Giants and Dragons in Belgium and France” which were first introduced as a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” in 2005. This case study documents the implementation of the UNESCO policies in France, analysing the differences between the initial project and its transformations a few years after the nomination. Different French candidatures are examined to understand the impacts of intangible cultural policies in France.


Članek se osredinja na »Procesijske velikane in zmaje v Beligiji in Franciji«, ki so bili leta 2005 predstavljeni kot »Mojstrovina ustne in nesnovne dediščine človeštva«. Študija primera dokumentira uveljavljanje Unescove politike v Franciji z analizo razločkov med začetnim načrtom in njegovim spreminjanjem v nekaj letih po nominaciji. Obravnavani so različni francoski predlogi, ki osvetljujejo vplive politike nesnovne kulture v Franciji.


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How to Cite

Fournier, L. S. (2012). The Impacts of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Unesco Policies in France. Traditiones, 41(2), 193–206.



Tradition and Heritage Classified / Razvrščeni tradicija in dediščina