Dar prostovoljstva in vrlina ljubezni do sebe: Antropološki pogled


  • Jo Puckering Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Dawson Building, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom



Ključne besede:

gift exchange, altruism, volunteering, public engagement, higher education // menjava darov, altruizem, prostovoljstvo, javno udejstvovanje, visoko šolstvo


This article outlines some of the intellectual, social and political relationships between contemporary interpretations of gift exchange and volunteering in Higher Education. It questions often dichotomous ways of understanding volunteering as altruistic or self-interested, explores changing uses and expectations of volunteering in Western society, and considers the rhetoric and realities of volunteer support, motives and experiences, in relation to institutional priorities and drivers.


Članek oriše intelektualna, družbena in politična razmerja na primeru sodobnih interpretacij menjave darov in prostovoljstva v visokošolskem sistemu. Prevprašuje mnogokrat dihotomne načine razumevanja prostovoljstva med altruizmom in egoizmom ter raziskuje spremenljive uporabe izraza prostovoljstvo in njegovo uporabo v zahodni družbi. Upošteva tudi retoriko in udejanjenje prostovoljske podpore, motive in izkušnje, predvsem v razmerju do institucionalnih prioritet in ciljev.


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Kako citirati

Puckering, J. (2014). Dar prostovoljstva in vrlina ljubezni do sebe: Antropološki pogled. Traditiones, 43(3), 33–50. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2014430303



Volunteering / Prostovoljenje