Special Features of Jewish Laments and Mourning Rituals in Honor of the Dead in an Anti-Semitic Environment


  • Irena Avsenik Nabergoj ZRC SAZU, Institute of Cultural History, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana




suffering, death, mourning, consolation, Biblical laments, ancient Jewish epitaphs, mourning rituals


This contribution discloses, by using the methods of close reading and intertextual comparison with various cultures and religions, peculiarities of Jewish laments in honour of the dead and of Jewish mourning rituals, as they are witnessed in laments of the Bible and in post-Biblical Jewish sources, in ancient Jewish epitaphs, in Jewish traditional religious mourning practices, in medieval Jewish literary traditions of commemorating martyrs and in commemorations of holocaust victims in modern Jewish poetry. It deals also with the relationship to suffering and the death of Jews, as they are witnessed in Slovenian literary folklore and in selected works of Slovenian manuscript tradition.


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How to Cite

Avsenik Nabergoj, I. (2019). Special Features of Jewish Laments and Mourning Rituals in Honor of the Dead in an Anti-Semitic Environment. Traditiones, 48(2), 19–47. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2019480202

