Creating Spaces of Creativity: Contemporary Arts and Crafts Fairs in Ljubljana as Production of Locality in Time of a Neoliberal Paradigm of Place


  • Blaž Bajič Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana



sodobni rokodelski sejmi, kreativne industrije, reprezentacije Ljubljane, produkcija lokalnosti, urbana etnologija/antropologija // contemporary arts and crafts fairs, representations of Ljubljana, place making, production of locality, local identificat


Prispevek obravnava sodobne rokodelske sejme v Ljubljani in njihovo vlogo v ustvarjanju medijske in družbene podobe Ljubljane. Opiše načine, kako skupine in posamezniki, ki pripravljajo in/ali sodelujejo na sejmih, reproducirajo specifične predstave, kulturno-identifikacijske možnosti in omejitve. V tem procesu je najbrž najpomembnejši pripomoček splet oziroma spletna družabna omrežja, ki krepijo vtis razsrediščene in demokratične paradigme kraja in hkrati reproducirajo družbeno-prostorske delitve. Sejmi in reprezentacije, ki jih vključeni pripisujejo sejemskim prostorom in celotnemu mestu, poudarjajo specifične vrednote ter po prepričanju njihovih tvorcev pripomorejo k uveljavitvi Ljubljane v mednarodnem kontekstu. Prispevek nakaže, da se sejmi vključujejo v načrte mestne oblasti za »revitalizacijo« mestnega središča in ustvarjanje turistične Ljubljane, kar moramo, tako kot nastajanje obravnavanih identifikacij, razumeti v kontekstu poznega kapitalizma.


The paper focuses on the contemporary arts and crafts fairs in Ljubljana and their role in the creation of media and social image of Ljubljana. It describes the ways in which groups and individuals involved in preparation and/or realization of the fairs, reproduce specific images as well as possibilities and limitations for cultural identification. In this process, world-wide-web and online social networks are arguably most important tools which, furthermore, contribute to the impression of a democratic association of cities. This impression is a crucial component of representation and identification, even if it serves to reproduce the hierarchal socio-spatial divisions. Arts and crafts fairs and the representations generated highlight specific values and, arguably, contribute to ever greater recognition of Ljubljana in an international context. Moreover, fairs form a part of the city authorities’ plans for the “revitalization” of the city centre, which must be understood, along with the present identifications, as evolving in the context of late capitalism.


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How to Cite

Bajič, B. (2015). Creating Spaces of Creativity: Contemporary Arts and Crafts Fairs in Ljubljana as Production of Locality in Time of a Neoliberal Paradigm of Place. Traditiones, 44(3), 149–170.



2015 Miscellanea