Utelešeni kulturni spomini Pandžaba. Ples giddha in pesem londonskega imigrantskega prostora


  • Ann R. David University of Roehampton, Department of Dance, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PJ, UK



Ključne besede:

Dance, song, Punjabi, giddha, diaspora // ples, pesem, Pandžab, diaspora


Using detailed ethnographic fieldwork carried out in the area of Southall in west London, UK, this article examines the performance of the Punjabi folk dance of giddha in its community settings as well as its staged appearance in folk dance competitions. I argue for the power of performance to create and sustain cultural continuity in migrant settings, focusing on Southall where specific Punjabi histories, memories and identities are yoked together in several generations of diasporic existence.


Z metodo natančnega etnografskega terenskega dela je raziskano uprizarjanje pandžabskega ljudskega plesa giddha tako v skupnosti kakor tudi v odrski postavitvi na revijah ljudskih plesov v Southallu v zahodnem delu Londona. Poudarjena je moč uprizoritev, da ustvarjajo in ohranjajo kulturo, osredinjeno na Southall, kjer so zgodovina, spomini in identitete, specifični za pandžabsko skupnost, združeni v več generacijah diaspore.



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Kako citirati

David, A. R. (2015). Utelešeni kulturni spomini Pandžaba. Ples giddha in pesem londonskega imigrantskega prostora. Traditiones, 44(2), 149–171. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2015440208



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