Development of Business Anthropology in Slovenia and Abroad. Problems and Perspectives


  • Alenka Bezjak Mlakar Ergo inštitut
  • Dan Podjed ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Novi trg 2, SI -1000 Ljubljana



poslovna antropologija, organizacijska antropologija, oblikovalska antropologija, antropologija porabe/uporabnikov, poslovna in organizacijska etnografija // business anthropology, organizational anthropology, design anthropology, consumer anthropology


Prispevek predstavi razvoj poslovne antropologije od tridesetih let prejšnjega stoletja do danes. Avtorja najprej podvomita o položaju te vede v znanosti in poslovnem svetu ter izpostavita glavne dogodke, ki so jo zaznamovali in soustvarili. Poleg tega opišeta prednosti in slabosti uporabe antropoloških metod v poslovnem svetu ter predstavita ovire (in priložnosti) za počasnejši razvoj poslovne antropologije pri nas.


This article presents the development of business anthropology since the 1930s. The authors examine the position of business anthropology in science and the business world, and highlight the key events that marked and shaped the discipline. The authors also delineate the advantages and drawbacks of using anthropological methods in the business world, and present the obstacles to, and opportunities for, the development of business anthropology in Slovenia.


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How to Cite

Bezjak Mlakar, A., & Podjed, D. (2015). Development of Business Anthropology in Slovenia and Abroad. Problems and Perspectives. Traditiones, 44(1), 137–159.