Introduction: The (In)visibility of Multi-locality in Theory and Practice




multi-locality, second homes, transnationalism, Slovenia, mobility


This article maps out multi-locality as an interdisciplinary field of study and presents the state of current research on multi-locality in Slovenia, including a brief discussion of the author’s own research. In this context, the author also addresses the issue of the visibility of multi-locality, both in the realm of theory as well as in the sphere of practice.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Bajuk Senčar, ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Slovenia




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How to Cite

Bajuk Senčar, T. (2023). Introduction: The (In)visibility of Multi-locality in Theory and Practice. Traditiones, 52(3), 7–22.



Multilokalnost v Evropi / Multi-local Living in Europe