Squatting and Direct Urban Space Care: The Case of the Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone (PLAC)





care, direct care, direct care work, squatting, urban space, autonomous spaces, Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone (PLAC)


The paper explores how the squatting community comprehends and implements direct care for urban space in the context of gentrification and elitisation of the city. Drawing on the case of the Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone (PLAC), a squatted area previously serving as a workers’ canteen, this examination foregrounds the spatialisation of care within, through, and for the landscape as a way to demonstrate solidarity and foster relationships in the everyday lives of both humans and non-humans, encompassing relational, spatial, and political realms of care.


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How to Cite

Abram, S. (2023). Squatting and Direct Urban Space Care: The Case of the Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone (PLAC). Traditiones, 52(1), 139–163. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2023520107



Skrb za krajine / Care for Landscapes