St. Stephen’s Day Celebrations in Zanigrad. After Ten Years of the Blessing of Horses
Corrigenda et addenda
konjereja, društvo, letne šege, štefanovo, krajevna identiteta, sorodstvo, vaška skupnost, Zanigrad, slovenska Istra // horse breeding, equestrian society, ritual year, St. Stephan’s day, local identity, kinship, local community, Slovenian IstriaAbstract
Prispevek je dodatek k članku o Sv. Štefanu v Zanigradu, ki ga je avtorica objavila v Traditiones 33/1 [Ravnik 2004]. Potem ko se je, že po oddaji članka v tisk, ponovno udeležila praznovanja sv. Štefana, je spoznala, da je v omenjenem članku premalo osvetlila pomen Konjeniškega društva Stena. V nadaljevanju raziskave je ugotovila, da je društvo po nastanku, članstvu in delovanju povezano s starim kulturnim izročilom Zanigrada in kontuinuiteto praznovanja sv. Štefana. Gre za izredno zanimiv splet starega vaškega duhovnega in družbenega izročila z novim dogajanjem, ki kljub spremenjenemu videzu še vedno, tako kot nekoč, obnavlja medčloveške vezi in skupnost.
This text is an appendix to the article on St. Stephen‘s Day celebrations in Zanigrad, published by the author in Traditiones 33 (1) [Ravnik 2004]. After the article had been submitted for print she has, once again, attended the annual celebration and realized that insufficient emphasis had been given to the Stena Equestrian Society. Additional field research showed that the origin, membership structure, and activities of this society are strongly connected with the traditional culture of Zanigrad, therefore representing a continuation of St. Stephen‘s Day celebrations from the past. It is a fascinating mixture of the old village spiritual and social traditions with the new that, despite outwardly changed and modified, still continue to renew the ties between individuals and the community.
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