Faculty of Arts of the Karl Franz University in Graz in the Time of Gregor Krek
Gregor Krek, univerza, filozofska fakulteta, slovanska filologija // Gregor Krek, university, faculty of arts, Slavic philologyAbstract
V času (1860–1905), ki ga je Gregor Krek preživel na univerzi v Gradcu, je filozofska fakulteta doživljala velike spremembe. Vse do izbruha prve svetovne vojne je bilo za univerzo resnično obdobje razcveta. V tem času se je na fakulteti oblikovala katedra za slovansko filologijo.
The period that Gregor Krek spent at the Karl Franz University in Graz spans over four decades (1860 – 1905). Marked by great changes, these decades represent a truly prosperous period for the University. It was in these years that the department for Slavic philology started to take its final shape.
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