Saint Lucy, the Queen of Light. The Legend and Folklore of Saint Lucy
Saint Lucy, senses, newspapers, experience, sense of tradition // sv. Lucija, čuti, časniki, izkušnja, zavest o tradicijiAbstract
The Feast of Saint Lucy is celebrated on December 13 by a girl wearing a white gown and candles that visits a crowded church. This article investigates the senses mentioned in newspaper reports describing this ceremony. I explain why some senses are not mentioned at all, and I relate my findings to thoughts about the senses as elements of a cultural system guided by power, experiences, and expectations that make up the sense of tradition.
Praznik sv. Lucije se praznuje 13. decembra. Pri tem je glavna figura dekle, ki v belem ogrinjalu in s svečami obišče polno cerkev. Članek obravnava omembe čutov v časniških poročilih, ki opisujejo ceremonijo. Avtorica pojasnjuje, zakaj nekateri čuti sploh niso omenjeni, in povezuje spoznanja z mislimi o čutih kot elementih kulturnega sistema pod nadzorom moči, izkušenj in pričakovanj, ki osmišljajo tradicijo.
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