The Use of the Senses in Religious Revival Movements
sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell // vid, sluh, dotik, okus, vonjAbstract
This paper demonstrates that sight and hearing have played the most important roles in the Protestant regions of Scandinavia. In many instances, the phenomena linked to sight and hearing have been maintained for long periods of time, and new phenomena have come into existence in other respects. Revivalist movements have wavered between maintenance of traditions and a regeneration that would enable them to awaken interest among new generations. Senses other than sight and hearing have not had the same importance in the post-Reformation period. However, touch has played a more important role than previously realized by scholars of cultural history. Taste and smell, on the other hand, have not yet acquired the same importance as touch, even if taste has acquired a new social function in a religious context.
Razprava pokaže, da sta bila v skandinavskih protestantskih deželah med čuti najpomembnejša vid in sluh. V številnih primerih so se pojavi, povezani z vidom in sluhom, zelo dolgo ohranili, novi pojavi pa so nastali v drugačnih povezavah. Prenovitvena gibanja so omahovala med vzdrževanjem tradicije in regeneracijo, kar jim je omogočalo zbuditi interes pri mlajših generacijah. V postreformacijskem obdobju drugi čuti niso bili tako pomembni. Vsekakor je imel dotik pomembnejšo vlogo, kakor mu jo pripisujejo kulturni zgodovinarji. Pomen okusa in vonja ni bil tako pomemben, čeprav je okus v religioznem kontekstu dobil novo socialno funkcijo.
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