Mapping and the Construction of Spaces in Dhermi/Drimades in Southern Albania
prostori, prostorjenje, kartiranje, razmejevanje, pripadnost, južna Albanija // spaces, spatialization, mapping, constructing boundaries, Southern AlbaniaAbstract
Prispevek obravnava koncept prostora oz. prostorov in proces njihovega vzpostavljanja v Dermiju/Drimadesu v južni Albaniji. Z vsebino kratkih biografij štirih pripovedovalcev in njihovih zgodb ponazarja, kako pripovedovalci v spominjanju na selitve in potovanja v različne kraje, nenehno kartirajo poti. Te razmejujejo, zamejujejo in po-ustvarjajo prostore, znotraj katerih pripovedovalci opredeljujejo svojo pripadnost.
The paper discusses the concept of space or spaces and the process of their construction and reconstruction in Dhermi/Drimades, Southern Albanija. Short biographies of four story-tellers and their stories are introduced. The analysis of their contents illustrates how the story-tellers in remembering the movements and travelling of their ancestors continuously map the trajectories. These trajectories construct, deconstruct and reconstruct the boundaries that define the spaces whithin which the story-tellers constitute their belonging.
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