Morphological and Structural Definitions of Folk Dance. An Analysis of the Couple’s Steierisch
ljudski ples, morfološka in strukturna analiza, štajeriš, struktura plesa, plesne drže // Folk dance, morphological and structural analysis, Steierisch, dance structure, dance positionsAbstract
Članek predstavlja potek in rezultate morfološko-strukturne analize zapisanih variant parnih oblik štajeriša na Slovenskem. Poleg metodološkega uvida v raziskovanje ljudskega plesa prispeva tudi k izgrajevanju ustrezne terminologije, saj ob tem členi in določa začetne položaje plesalcev v paru in plesne drže pri parnih oblikah obravnavanega ljudskega plesa.
This article presents the research process and results of a morphological and structural analysis of written notations of couple’s Steierisch dances in Slovenia. In addition to its methodological approach to studying folk dances, it also contributes to the development of appropriate terminology because it analyzes and defines the initial positions of each dancer in the couple, as well as the handholds found in the couple’s forms of the selected folk dance.
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