When “ninna nannas” and “aja tutajas” Awake. Ethnomusiological Research of Lullabies


  • Katarina Juvančič




uspavanke, aplikativna etnomuzikologija, krepitev položaja, (samo)refleksija, kontekst // Lullabies, applied ethnomusicology, empowerment, (self)reflexion, context


Prispevek obravnava vprašanja prenosa (predvsem) etnomuzikološkega znanja in izkušenj v javnost na konkretnem primeru uspavank. Pri tem opozarja na težave in izzive pri preučevanju in krepitvi vloge »drugega« ter vabi k premisleku lastnega znanstvenega angažmaja. Avtorica posebno pozornost namenja tudi prezrtim tematikam in kontekstom, ki jih je mogoče opazovati pri izvajanju uspavank in pesmi za uspavanje.


The following article focuses on the issues of application of (mostly) ethnomusicological knowledge and experiences into the public domain through the case study of lullabies. The author draws attention to the problems and challenges arising with the research and empowerment of »the Other« and calls for a thorough reflection of our scholarly engagement. Special attention is given to the neglected topics and contexts that can be observed through the performance of lullabies and songs for soothing children.


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How to Cite

Juvančič, K. (2009). When “ninna nannas” and “aja tutajas” Awake. Ethnomusiological Research of Lullabies. Traditiones, 38(1), 275–286. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2009380118



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