»Lahko, da je fant z Irske, a je govoril odlično škotsko, ko mi je dvoril.« Pesemske povezave med Irsko in jugozahodno Škotsko


  • Valentina Bold M. Litt Scottish Cultural Heritage, University of Glasgow, Crichton University Campus, Dumfries DG 1 4ZL



Ključne besede:

folksong, Ireland, Scotland, ethnicity // ljudska pesem, Irska, Škotska, etničnost


This survey paper makes a start at looking, through a series of specific examples, drawn from oral and printed song traditions. This paper looks at the song culture of South West Scotland and the way it relates to that of its near neighbour across the water, Ireland. The range of examples considers allows the writer to look at images from the nineteenth century to the present—many racist and unpleasant—and to show the influence of Irish area, more broadly, on both urban and rural Scottish musical and song traditions. The modern song culture of the area under consideration, in conclusion, bears lasting traces of Irish influence. This field would prove rewarding for further, in-depth research.


Pregledni članek omogoča začetek analize niza značilnih primerov iz ustne in pisne pesemske tradicije. Prinaša pogled na pesemski izročili jugozahodne Škotske in sosednje Irske. Vrsta primerov je avtorici omogočila, da si je ogledala upodobitve ljudi – nekatere rasistične in neprijetne – in v širšem smislu pokazala vplive irske pesemske tradicije, tako na urbano kot ruralno škotsko glasbeno izročilo. V sklepu ugotavlja, da »sodobna« pesemska kultura raziskanega območja nosi sledove irskega vpliva. To področje bi bilo vredno nadaljnjih poglobljenih raziskav.



“The beautiful Irishman”. 1895. http://bartleby.com/246/110.html

“Dog Tray”. No date [hereafter Nd]. The Merry Songster. Seven Dials: Ryle & Paul. Glasgow University Library Special Collections [hereafter GUL Sp Colls] Bh13-d.40 item 11.

Donnachie, Ian and Innes Macleod (eds.). 1974. Old Galloway. London: David and Charles.

“Duncan Campbell”. Nd. In: Glasgow Broadside Ballads. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads (Mu23-y3: 25 and the National Library of Scotland [hereafter NLS] L.C. Fol.70 (57b)). http://www.nls.uk/broadsides/broadside.cfm/id/14986/criteria/duncan%20campbell

Glasgow Broadside Ballads. Nd. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads/

“The Irish Girl”. Nd. In: Glasgow Broadside Ballads. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads (Mu23-y3: 25 and NLS L.C.Fol.178.A.2(065)). http://www.nls.uk/broadsides/broadside.cfm/id/14830/criteria/the%20irish%20girl

“Lovely Mourin Shore”. Nd. NLS L.C.Fol.178.A.2(066). http://www.nls.uk/broadsides/broadside.cfm/id/14831/criteria/lovely%20mourin%20shore

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“Mick the Watchman”. Nd. In: Glasgow Broadside Ballads. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads (Mu23-y3: 039).

Moulden, John. 2007. A True Song called Erin the Green, or William Hill, the Forger […] Compiled from the best and most reliable records by John Moulden. Privately published.

O’ Boyle, Sean. 1976. The Irish Song. Dublin: Gilbert Dalton.

“O’ Connor’s Farewell”. Nd. In: Glasgow Broadside Ballads. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads (Mu23-y3: 038).

Ò Tuathaig, M.A.G. 1985. The Irish in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Problems of Integration. In: Swift and Gilley 1985, 13-36.

“The Paddy Trick”. Nd. In: Glasgow Broadside Ballads. http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads (Mu23-y2: 012).

“The raal ould Irish gintleman”. Nd. In: The Dublin lad’s penny comic song book. Glasgow: no publisher [hereafter np]. GUL Sp Colls 2352 item 1.

“The Sailor’s Lamentation”. Nd. No publisher.

“Sawny and Teague”. Nd. In: King William and the plowman; or, industry rewarded. To which are added, Sawny and teague. A beau is but an ass. The power of love. Glasgow: J & M. Robertson. Glasgow Sp Colls Bh13-d.3 item 34.

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Kako citirati

Bold, V. (2009). »Lahko, da je fant z Irske, a je govoril odlično škotsko, ko mi je dvoril.« Pesemske povezave med Irsko in jugozahodno Škotsko. Traditiones, 38(1), 131–140. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2009380109



Evropska pesemska dediščina? / European Song Heritage?