Surnames of Slovenians in Serbia at the Beginning of the 21st Century


  • Miroslav Niškanović Etnografski institut SANU, Knez Mihailova 36/IV, 11000 Beograd, Srbija



priimki Slovencev v Srbiji, slovenska manjšina v Srbiji, leto 2002 // surnames of Slovenians in Serbia, Slovenian minority in Serbia


V članku so predstavljeni priimki ljudi, ki so se pri popisu prebivalstva v Srbiji leta 2002 (popis ni bil izveden na Kosovu) izrekli za pripadnike slovenske narodne manjšine. Gre za 5159 posameznikov v 2130 gospodinjstvih. Zapisanih je bilo 1579 priimkov. Razvrščeni so abecedno, skupaj s podatki o številu nosilcev najpogostejših priimkov in številu gospodinjstev s posamičnim priimkom.


This article presents the surnames of people that declared themselves to be members of the Slovenian national minority during the 2002 population census in Serbia (the census was not conducted in Kosovo). This population consists of 5,159 persons living in 2,130 households. A total of 1,579 surnames were registered. The surnames are listed alphabetically with records on the number of the most frequent surname holders and the number of households with these surnames.


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How to Cite

Niškanović, M. (2010). Surnames of Slovenians in Serbia at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Traditiones, 39(1), 273–281.