Some Insights into the past and Present of Slovenians Living in Belgrade
Slovenci v Beogradu, Slovenci v Srbiji, Društvo Slovencev »Sava« v Beogradu, Slovenci v svetu // Slovenians in Belgrade, Slovenians in Serbia, Sava Slovenian Society, Slovenians abroadAbstract
Članek temelji na gradivu, zbranem v pogovorih z beograjskimi Slovenci. S pogledi v življenje posameznikov in družin so ponazarjeni vzroki in načini njihove priselitve v Beograd, delo, stanovanje, družinsko življenje in odnos do domačega kraja, družbene odnose in odnos do večinskega okolja od konca 1. svetovne vojne do danes. Skoraj stoletje je bil Beograd prestolnica stare in nove Jugoslavije (od 1918 do 1991), Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (od 1992), Srbije in Črne gore (od 2003) in Srbije (od 2006). Zgodovinske okoliščine so se korenito spremenile, zamenjali so se politični sistemi, skupna država je razpadla na nove samostojne države. Zgodovina Beograda je vpletena v življenjske zgodbe beograjskih Slovencev; govorimo lahko o beograjski (slovenski) različici slovenske (beograjske) urbane kulture, ki je vredna nadaljnjih, poglobljenejših raziskav.
Based on the material obtained by interviews with Slovenians living in Belgrade, Serbia, the text gives an insight into the lives of individual Slovenians as well as whole families in the period spanning from the end of the First World War to the present. Discussed are the causes and manners of their immigration to Belgrade; their work, living quarters, and family life; relations with and position on their original home; and their social relations and contacts with the majority nation. For almost a century, Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia (1918-1991), the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (from 1992), Serbia and Montenegro (from 2003), and, since 2006, of Serbia. Historic circumstances have been changing drastically, and the former republics once united in their common country became new, independent countries. The history of Belgrade is reflected in the life stories of Belgrade Slovenians; these newcomers gradually created a Belgrade (Slovenian) variant of Slovenian (Belgrade) urban culture that merits further investigation and more detailed studies.
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Sunajko, Slavka. 2006. Intervju – Aleš Selan. Bilten 6 (11): 8–9.
Žvan, Bolče. 1932. Slovenci v Beogradu. Socialno-kulturna slika. Beograd: [samozaložba].
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