Daritvena pogača <em>župnik</em> in Valvasorjev <em>Hausgötze – gospodarček</em><br>The Offering Bread <em>župnik</em> and Valvasor's <em>Hausgötze – gospodarček</em></br>
https://doi.org/10.3986/SMS20192211Ključne besede:
offering bread, poprtnik, župnik, Christmas bread, Gospodárček, house spirits, Penats, badnjakPovzetek
The author analyses the uses of the Christmas festive bread poprtnik and the age-old tradition of baking such offerings in Slovenia. These offerings, along with the names of certain Slavic deities, were first mentioned four hundred years ago. One of these Christmas breads has preserved its name – župnik, documented in Ribnica in Dolenjsko / Lower Carniola. This name župnik was passed on to this offering bread after the early medieval Slavic administrative unit župa, and not after the Slovenian term for a Catholic priest – župnik, which was first introduced only just after the year 1860.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Popit, I. (2019). Daritvena pogača <em>župnik</em> in Valvasorjev <em>Hausgötze – gospodarček</em><br>The Offering Bread <em>župnik</em> and Valvasor’s <em>Hausgötze – gospodarček</em></br>. Studia Mythologica Slavica, 22, 207–220. https://doi.org/10.3986/SMS20192211
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