V poiske arhetipa: ot arhetipa materi k arhetipu Baby-Jagi<br>In Search of the Archetype: from the Mother Archetype to the Archetype of Baba Yaga</br>
https://doi.org/10.3986/SMS20192206Ključne besede:
archetype, Russian culture, mother, Baba YagaPovzetek
Archetypes express themselves in various forms and sources, but many of them can be traced in folk tales. This article describes the most significant symbols and images that reveal the deepest meaning and significance of the Mother archetype in Russian folk culture.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
S. Guseva, I., G. Ivanov, V., & G. Ivanova, M. (2019). V poiske arhetipa: ot arhetipa materi k arhetipu Baby-Jagi<br>In Search of the Archetype: from the Mother Archetype to the Archetype of Baba Yaga</br>. Studia Mythologica Slavica, 22, 121–133. https://doi.org/10.3986/SMS20192206
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