Triglavska roža in Zlatorog med simboliko in stvarnostjo<br>Triglav Rose and Zlatorog in Their Symbolism and Reality</br>
DOI:čne besede:
nature preservation, Tale of Zlatorog, Triglav rose, biocentrism, environmental ethicsPovzetek
The Tale of Zlatorog speaks of a human-nature interrelationship, close to today’s environmentalism. It has been highly popular in Slovenia and abroad since collected in the Julian Alps and published in 1868. In the first part of this paper, we investigate the Triglav rose, particularly, which real plant species might be reflected in the story. In the second part, we compare the drama with real processes in ecosystems. As reflected in the narrative, humans did not only recognize creatures’ supporting roles: they comprehended the interconnectedness that sustains life and survival. While tales acted as the inspiration for ethical teaching, we assume that artists used the dynamics developed in the Tale of Zlatorog and alike for transferring the reverence for life and sustaining biocentric ethics.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Dobravec, J. (2018). Triglavska roža in Zlatorog med simboliko in stvarnostjo<br>Triglav Rose and Zlatorog in Their Symbolism and Reality</br>. Studia Mythologica Slavica, 21, 129–145.
Avtorji jamčijo, da je delo njihova avtorska stvaritev, da v njem niso kršene avtorske pravice tretjih oseb ali kake druge pravice. V primeru zahtevkov tretjih oseb se avtorji zavezujejo, da bodo varovali interese založnika ter da bodo povrnili morebitno škodo.
Podrobneje v rubriki: Prispevki