The Ancient Greek Symbolism in the Religious Landscape. The Case of Delphi<br>Il simbolismo greco antico nel paesaggio religioso. Il caso di Delfi</br>
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Delphi, Pythia, Python, Apollo, omphalos, landscape, symbolism, otherworld, prophecies, pneumaPovzetek
This paper discusses the ancient Greek beliefs from a different perspective; I attempt to approach the old themes in an interdisciplinary way. I refer to the studies of French anthropology and on the ethnological studies of the conceptualization of the landscape through oral tradition. Some classical antiquity researchers have already done so. Such authors that relate to ancient Greece as a whole discuss the symbolism of sacrifices and snakes. Thus, the belief system of the community manifests in the landscape in its symbolic sense, and with this working guide, I managed to apply the abovementioned contemporary (modern) perspectives to the example of the ancient Greek Delphi.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Malea, A. (2018). The Ancient Greek Symbolism in the Religious Landscape. The Case of Delphi<br>Il simbolismo greco antico nel paesaggio religioso. Il caso di Delfi</br>. Studia Mythologica Slavica, 21, 97–107.
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