Ludvik Janež – a Storyteller and Collector of Local Folklore Stories<br>Ludvik Janež – pripovedovalec in zbiralec lokalnega pripovednega izročila</br>
DOI:čne besede:
storytelling, storyteller, storytelling event, folk narratives, folklore, Slovenia, Ludvik Janež, context, texture, repertoire, Čadrg, TolminPovzetek
The article presents Ludvik Janež from Čadrg, (Tolmin, northwest Slovenia), who is a folklore storyteller and collector of storytelling heritage. His rich repertoire has made him quite a name in his domestic environment, and in recent years he has often been invited to local schools, kindergartens, and various public events to enhance their cultural programme with storytelling. The article points out that with the observed storyteller the context of the event has an essential effect on the choice of text and texture (the performance of the narrative). By selecting his repertoire, its performance, and interpretation, the storyteller intentionally adapts to the social structure of the target audience and the event’s purpose. This means that the storyteller is aware that every group has different expectations and reception abilities. He therefore tries to motivate every specific group for optimal listening and understanding with carefully chosen contents and the means (requisites, costume, language) he uses to enhance his performance. Based on these elements, Janež’s repertoire can be divided into 5 types, which are all closely connected with the traditions of his native village.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Ivančič Kutin, B. (2012). Ludvik Janež – a Storyteller and Collector of Local Folklore Stories<br>Ludvik Janež – pripovedovalec in zbiralec lokalnega pripovednega izročila</br>. Studia Mythologica Slavica, 15(1), 305–321.
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Podrobneje v rubriki: Prispevki