Conspectus of vegetation syntaxa in Slovenia


  • Urban Šilc ZRC SAZU, Institute of Biology, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
  • Andraž Čarni ZRC SAZU, Institute of Biology, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana


phytosociology, syntaxonomy, vegetation database


For the first time, an overview of plant communities in Slovenia is presented according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. In total 588 associations (and some communities classified into higher syntaxa) belonging to 51 classes have been registered in Slovenia. Additionally 149 syntaxa are mentioned as registered in the field or in, the literature, but not documented with relevé material. Syntaxonomical classification is based on the “EuroChecklist” and includes also the Slovenian written definition of the high-rank syntaxa.


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How to Cite

Šilc, U., & Čarni, A. (2015). Conspectus of vegetation syntaxa in Slovenia. Hacquetia, 11(1). Retrieved from


