Phytosociological analysis of acidophytic alpine mat-grass swards in the Julian Alps and the Karawanks


  • Igor Dakskobler 1Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Biology, Regional unit Tolmin, Tolmin, Slovenia
  • Boštjan Surina Natural History Museum Rijeka, Croatia
  • Tone Wraber


alpine vegetation, Caricion curvulae, Nardion strictae, Mangart, Triglav National Park, Slovenia


Acidophytic alpine mat-grass swards are rare in the alpine belt of the predominantly calcareous Southeastern Alps of Slovenia, and occur where limestone is admixed with marlstone or chert. Those for which we were able to make phytosociological relevés can be predominantly classified into two syntaxa: Carici curvulae-Nardetum strictae vaccinietosum gaultherioidis and Sieversio-Nardetum strictae. At slightly lower elevations, in the forest zone of the subalpine plateau Pokljuka, we found similar swards occupying small areas in frost hollows with luvisol on limestone. They comprise character species of different subalpine-alpine sward and snow bed communities and are classified into the syntaxon Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum scorzoneroidetosum croceae.


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2022-03-28 — Updated on 2022-06-09

How to Cite

Dakskobler, I., Surina, B., & Wraber, T. (2022). Phytosociological analysis of acidophytic alpine mat-grass swards in the Julian Alps and the Karawanks. Hacquetia, 21(2), 253–295. Retrieved from




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