Badiou in ontološke meje matematike


  • Michael Hauser Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague


Ključne besede:

metaontologija, realno, ontologija, Badiou, Eastonov teorem


Avtor obravnava razmerje med Badioujevo filozofijo in matematiko kot trostopenjski model. Filozofija kot metaontologija ustvari metastrukturo, matematika kot ontologija v vlogi pogoja filozofije pa ustvari njeno situacijo, matematika kot mnoštveni univerzum vseh danih aksiomov, teoremov, tehnik, interpretacij in sistemov (teorija množic, teorija kategorij itn.) pa tvori nekonsistentno mnoštvo. Na tej podlagi je mogoče razmerje med filozofijo in matematiko interpretirati kot razmerje med metastrukturo in situacijo. S pomočjo Eastonovega teorema pridemo do sklepa, da filozofski koncepti na ravni metastrukture »kvantitativno« presegajo elemente, ki pripadajo matematiki kot ontologiji. Filozofija kot metaontologija zato lahko pokaže meje matematike kot ontologije.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Badiou, Alain, “Afterwords: Some Replies to a Demanding Friend”, in Think Again: Alain

Badiou and the Future of Philosophy, ed. Peter Hallward, Continuum, London and

New York 2004

— Lacan. Anti-philosophy 3, trans. K. Reinhard and S. Spitzer, Columbia University

Press, New York 2018

— Being and Event, trans. Oliver Feltham, Continuum Books, London and New York

— Briefing on Existence. A Short Treatise on Transitory Ontology, State University of New

York Press, New York 2006

— L’Immanence des vérités, Fayard, Paris 2018

— Manifesto for Philosophy, trans. N. Madarasz, SUNY Press, Albany 1999

— Mathematics of the Transcendental, trans. A. J. Bartlett and A. Ling, Bloomsbury Publishing,

London and New York 2014

— Theory of Subject, trans. B. Bosteels, Continuum, London and New York 2009

Feltham, Oliver, “Translator´s Preface”, in Being and Event

Fraser Zachary, Luke, “New Directions”, in Alain Badiou. Key Concepts, ed. A. J. Bartlett,

J. Clemens, Acumen, Durham 2010

Madarasz, Norman, “On Alain Badiou´s Treatment of Category Theory in View of a Transitory

Ontology”, in Alain Badiou. Philosophy and Its Conditions, ed. G. Riera, State

University of New York Press, Albany 2005

Toscano, Alberto, “Marxism Expatriated: Alain Badiou´s Turn”, in Critical Companion to

Contemporary Marxism, ed. J. Bidet and S. Kouvelakis, Brill, Leiden and Boston 2008

Žižek, Slavoj, “From Purification to Subtraction: Badiou and the Real”, in Think Again:

Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy, ed. Peter Hallward, Continuum, London

and New York 2004



Kako citirati

Hauser, M. (2020). Badiou in ontološke meje matematike. Filozofski Vestnik, 41(2).



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