V imenu ljubezni


  • Eva Vrtačič

Ključne besede:

taksonomija smrti, vračanje mrtvih, žalovanje, melanholija, etika


Besedilo nadaljuje debato na temo, kaj in kako naj subjekt stori s svojimi mrtvimi. Izkaže se, da je izbira vedno pogubna – bodisi zame, bodisi za mrtvega, najpogosteje pa kar za oba. Freudovi razdelavi melanholije in žalovanja zoperstavljamo Derridajevo etiko melanholije, lacanovski e(s)t(et)iki izbora lastne smrti, ki je komplementarna Derridajevemu uporu proti prenehanju žalovanja za Drugim, pa nujo po spoznanju, da je Drugi že od vselej mrtev, kar Jazu nakazuje potencial za svobodno življenje.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Davis, Colin, Haunted Subjects. Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and the Return of the Dead. Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Derrida, Jacques, Specters of Marx: The State of The Debt, The Work of Mourning, And The New International. New York, London: Routledge, 1994.

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--- The Work of Mourning. Montaža Pascale-Anne Brault in Michael Naas. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 2001.

Eagleton, Terry, Sveti teror. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2008.

Faulkner, Joanne, Dead Letters to Nietzsche; or, the Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2010.

Freud, Sigmund, »Das Unheimliche«. V: Das Unheimliche, ur. Mladen Dolar, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 1994, str. 5–36.

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Kristeva, Julia, Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.

Lacan, Jacques, Etika psihoanalize. Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost, 1988.

Miller, Jacques-Alain, »Interpretirati vzrok: Od Freuda do Lacana« Problemi-Eseji (Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo), št. 4–5 (1994): 175–193 in isti, O nekem drugem Lacanu, Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, Ljubljana 2001, str. 21–44.

O’Neill, Mary, »Speaking to the dead: Images of the dead in contemporary art«, Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine (SAGE) 15, št. 3 (2011): 299–312.

Rakoff, Vivian M., »Psychiatric Aspects of Death in America«, V Death in American Experience, montaža Arien Mack, 149–161. New York: Schocken Books, 1973.

Salecl, Renata. O tesnobi. Ljubljana: Založba Sophia, 2007.

Šterk, Karmen. »You can only die thrice: death and dying of a human body in psychoanalytical perspective«, Journal of Religion and Health 49, št. 4 (2010): 591–602.

Zevnik, Luka. »Towards a new perspective in cultural studies: Emotional and spiritual problems and happiness in contemporary Western societies«, International journal of cultural studies 13, št. 4 (2010): 391-408.

Žižek, Slavoj, Enjoy your Symptom! Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out. New York, London: Routledge, 1992.

--- »I Do Not Order My Dreams«, V: Opera’s Second Death, avtorja Slavoj Žižek in Mladen Dolar, 103-226. New York, London: Routledge, 2002.

--- Interrogating the Real. Ur. Scott Stephens in Rex Butler. London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010.

--- »Introduction: The Spectre of Ideology«, v: Mapping Ideology, ur. Slavoj Žižek, London: Verso, 1995, str. 1–33.

--- »Between Two Deaths: The Culture of Torture«, London Review of Books, 3. June 2004: 19.

--- Looking Awry. An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press, 1991.

--- The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, Cambridge, London: The MIT Press, 2003.

--- The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, London, New York: Verso, 2000.




Kako citirati

Vrtačič, E. (2016). V imenu ljubezni. Filozofski Vestnik, 33(3). Pridobljeno od https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/4203