On Bitter-Juicy Philosophizing Via Aesthetics


  • Stefan Morawski


To philosophize or not is a matter of conscious choice and option. But when we start with such a premise, we have to lay down what we understand by this activity. In the paper the author undertakes this task, distinguishing four-fold the philosophizing practice with regard to the domain of aesthetics. In the final section of the paper he considers the problem which seems to him fundamental, namely why today philosophizing via aesthetics in a definite way should be recommendable and primary, as well as why it has to be bitter-juicy.


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Kako citirati

Morawski, S. (2016). On Bitter-Juicy Philosophizing Via Aesthetics. Filozofski Vestnik, 20(2). Pridobljeno od https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/4064