The Logic Structure of Pictorial Representation
This paper articulates the logical structure of pictorial representation, through an interpretation and defence of the role of resemblance. As a means to this, the discussion critically engages with existing theories, notably those of Schier, Goodman, and Margolis. The fundamental argument of the essay is that what makes pictorial representation logically distinctive is the fact that, once learned, it can be applied without recourse to ad hoc external conventions. Such conventions are required in order to secure exact denotation, but for something to count as a picture as such, we require only that it is formally organized so as to resemble some kind of three-dimensional object or scene.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Crowther, P. (2016). The Logic Structure of Pictorial Representation. Filozofski Vestnik, 15(2). Pridobljeno od
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