Aveux et désaveux des voeux inconscients / Confessions and Denials of Unconscious Wishes


  • Jean-Pierre Marcos


The reading that we propose of Freud's work here allows to join the issue of subjectivity and telling the truth from the perspective of confession such as can be differentiated and related to the question of Christian confession. Without being confused with a spiritual exercise, psychoanalysis, in reviving the ambition of bringing into being a subject freed from what haunts and persecutes him, the modern name of this being the "unconscious", does not erase its Western origin. Nevertheless, psychoanalysis modifies the ancient way of understanding the link between speech and desire.


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Biografija avtorja

Jean-Pierre Marcos

Jean-Pierre Marcos, former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Doctor of Philosophy (Paris-Sorbonne), Doctor of Clinical Psychopathology (Paris X). Former Program Directorat the Collège International de Philosophie (1992–1998). Research topic: politics and psychoanalysis. He has taught for 15 years at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris as a lecturer in political philosophy. Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Paris VIII at Saint Denis. Active member of the Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne.Psychoanalyst in Paris since 1990. Author of numerous articles on political philosophy and psychoanalysis, editor and principal author of the collection: La lettre et le lieu. Présence du modèle et action de la structure en psychanalyse (Freud et Lacan) [The letter andthe place. The presence of the model and action of the structure in psychoanalysis (Freudand Lacan)], Paris, Kimé, 2005. Currently completing the editing and writing of a book onthe theoretical status of reading in relation to the issue of authority, expected publication spring 2010. Invited speaker at numerous seminars for companies (e.g. for L’Oreal, “To understand in order to act” at the l’Institut de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, etc.).



Kako citirati

Marcos, J.-P. (2011). Aveux et désaveux des voeux inconscients / Confessions and Denials of Unconscious Wishes. Filozofski Vestnik, 31(2). Pridobljeno od https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/3222



L’indicible et l’écriture / The Unsayable and Writing