The Life of the Party: A Brief Note on Nietzsche’s Ethics
As a philologist, Nietzsche had to be a materialist – a materialist of letters. If letters are not life, however, they are the indices of its limits. You can’t live except at the limit; to get to a limit, you have to reconstruct a genealogy for yourself; once you know where you are, you have the opportunity to lose yourself again, this time effectively. Life is whatever will have greeted you in that loss, the disappearance at the limit.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Clemens, J. (2010). The Life of the Party: A Brief Note on Nietzsche’s Ethics. Filozofski Vestnik, 30(2). Pridobljeno od
Life Between Creation and Duration
Avtorji jamčijo, da je delo njihova avtorska stvaritev, da v njem niso kršene avtorske pravice tretjih oseb ali kake druge pravice. V primeru zahtevkov tretjih oseb se avtorji zavezujejo, da bodo varovali interese založnika ter da bodo povrnili morebitno škodo.
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