Deleuze et les modes de vie mineurs
This article proposes to examine the relation between art and the experience of alterity through the typology of modes of existence which Deleuze extracts from literature and cinema. Through the figures of slavery, automatism, petrification, and exhaustion which characterize this typology, it suggests that these experiences of alterity define "minor" modes of existence and thought which are opposed to that volitional autonomy which, for Kant, defines our maturity (majorité). The hypothesis examined here is that the notion of the minor marks a turning point from which the emancipatory vocation of the Enlightenment is replaced by an idea of resistance – understood here, according to Deleuze and Lyotard, as an ethical category designating an experience of the alterity constitutive of the self. From this common point, the article finally seeks to identify what separates the ethics of Deleuze from that of Lyotard, analyzing how Deleuze's typology fits neither a logic of freedom nor that of the gift, making itself unavailable for morality.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Brito, V. (2010). Deleuze et les modes de vie mineurs. Filozofski Vestnik, 30(2). Pridobljeno od
Life Between Creation and Duration
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