Dancing with Social Death

The Necropolitics of Performing Afro-Slovene(ness)





Afro-Slovene, ethnography, necropolitics, Black studies, authenticity, afropessimism


Slovenes of African descent find themselves in a calculus of biopower. This points to the precariousness of life (or flesh), which is deemed as less “worthy.” We are at a historical moment in which Afro-pessimism offers a “realistic” glimpse into the past and future of Blackness in the White supremacist contexts of the West, due almost solely to the enormity of systemic violence that Black flesh has endured. In light of this very real political urgency, there is a very real need for security, which in the short term might best be accomplished through concepts such as identity and authenticity. However, Afro-Slovene acts of living reject in passing the priorities that “progress” evokes through the standardization of Euro-normalizing biopolitical orders and slip the categories used to confine them to a limited form of existence. This analysis focuses on the Afro-Slovene insistence on living otherwise as a form of resistance to the tyranny of linear progressive subjectivities, without shedding responsibility for the need to confront race and racism head on.


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How to Cite

Rudder, A. (2023). Dancing with Social Death: The Necropolitics of Performing Afro-Slovene(ness). Filozofski Vestnik, 44(2), 287–303. https://doi.org/10.3986/fv.44.2.13



The Body of Affects, (Non)Human Animals, Performativity in Resistance to Oppression and Whiteness Racist Systems