Mutations of Cruelty in the Contemporary Ideological Landscape (Redefined by the War in Ukraine)




cruelty, war, Ukraine, Clausewitz, capitalism, Badiou, 20th century


The text treats the theme of cruelty starting from how it appears in the everyday dominant ideology. If we want to feel the pulse of our modern ideological landscape, we cannot ignore the fact that it has recently been severely shaken by the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has repeatedly been called cruel, and cruelty in general is today unanimously seen as something reprehensible and repulsive. But the same is true of torture, which, although in principle prosecuted, is carried out in secret. And if every war is cruel, what does the statement “the war in Ukraine is cruel” mean? In what contexts does it fit? The text explores this question on several levels, beginning with modern understandings of war and cruelty, moving to the broader historical context in which the statement is made, and finally asking whether it means that we still have one foot in the 20th century in some sense. Following Badiou’s work The Century, which emphasises the role of the passion of the real, war (which is intended to end all wars), and cruelty in the twentieth century, this statement also means that the twentieth century is not (yet) over in a sense, and that this century may be settling accounts with itself (again) with the war in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Klepec, P. (2023). Mutations of Cruelty in the Contemporary Ideological Landscape (Redefined by the War in Ukraine). Filozofski Vestnik, 43(1).