Locations, Relocations, Displacements and Reinterpretations


  • Aleš Erjavec


art, culture, interpretation, location


Different cases of relocation and hybridization in art and culture (G. Bateson and M. Mead in Bali, the reception of contemporary slovenian art in india, Brazilian modernist art, Japanese orientalism in taiwan, and east european perception of western artists) are taken as the starting point of the article. It is then suggested that at least a partial link between the place of origin and that of the relocated work must be maintained if we are to attain an understanding of the work in question, and that the experience of such art and culture in their original setting is an important element in their proper reception.


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How to Cite

Erjavec, A. (2016). Locations, Relocations, Displacements and Reinterpretations. Filozofski Vestnik, 27(3). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/4375