A Viewpoint of Painting? On a Problematic Theory of Computational Psychology
The general understanding of pictorial representation as constructed through the viewpoint of the artist outside the picture space is mediated through our present-day familiarity with geometric perspective and photography. This presumes the existence of an external viewpoint. This understanding of painting has become common sense. In this way a 'historical product' has been taken as an 'a-historical essence' of our understanding. Even now, many theories on painting seem to remain caught in such a essentialist thinking. In this paper I discuss the problem of essentialist thinking, basing my views on the philosophy of Kiyoshi Miki, one of the important philosophers of the 'Kyoto School', and then reexamine the belief in the existence of viewpoints outside of painting.Prenosi
Kako citirati
Iwaki, K. (2007). A Viewpoint of Painting? On a Problematic Theory of Computational Psychology. Filozofski Vestnik, 28(2). Pridobljeno od https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/3184
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